No Tears for Sarcoidosis - a Column by Charlton Harris

numbers, keep moving, family memories, anxiety, medical team, dare, simple pleasures, improvement Charlton is an independent multimedia/video producer and video editor located in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, area. He was diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis in 2004 at the age of 40. He has worked over 30 years in advertising and educational media. When he’s not creating, he's in the kitchen cooking. Charlton is known as a skilled pit-master, homebrewer and jazz aficionado. He hopes his column on sarcoidosis will help inspire readers to live life the best they can, and not shed any tears for this illness.

The First ‘Start’ Is Always the Hardest

The hardest part about change is starting. The first “start” is the hardest, whether you’re starting a new job or welcoming a new spouse or child into your world. You realize that if you want something to work out, you have to start somewhere, and you have to…

I Am My Own Life Coach

For the 15 years that I’ve been living with pulmonary sarcoidosis, I’ve learned that every day is not just a new adventure, but a blessing, too. Shortly after my diagnosis, I discovered how sarcoidosis can affect the body. The first…

My PTSD Was Hiding in Plain Sight

Aah … spring has finally sprung! The weather is finally trying to cooperate by giving us a few comfortable, mild days, and folks are starting to come out of their shells to enjoy it. Yesterday was the first day in over a year that I actually…

This Too Shall Pass

Like you, I’m not the only person that has daily issues living with sarcoidosis. As I tell some friends, every day is a new adventure. That adventure may include riding an emotional roller coaster, or feeling so upbeat and motivated that I’ll venture out to the gym for a…

Obstacles Don’t Define Us

I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis not long after my mother passed away in 2003, and it was totally by accident. I was having a conversation with a pulmonologist about participating in a sleep study. During the meeting, he talked about breathing issues and other conditions related to sleep apnea,…