Ashraf Malhas, PhD,  —

Articles by Ashraf Malhas

Single Mindfulness Training Session Shows Benefits for Sarcoidosis Patients

Mindfulness exercises can help decrease the physical and psychological symptoms of sarcoidosis and improve well-being and motivation in patients and caregivers, a small study found. Sarcoidosis patients, including some who have achieved clinical remission, can experience psychosocial consequences of the disease including depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation. Coping strategies and methods…

Younger Sarcoidosis Patients Given Double Lung Transplants Show Better Survival Rates, Study Finds

Sarcoidosis patients given double lung transplants, especially at younger ages, show superior survival rates to those with other serious lung diseases, researchers report, suggesting these considerations guide the procedure. Survival was also better in sarcoidosis patients of European descent compared to African-Americans, though more blacks were in the patient group…