Charlton Harris,  —

Charlton Harris is a video professional from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis about 20 years ago and has suffered numerous spontaneous pneumothoraces in both lungs. When he’s not writing, he’s usually editing videos, cooking, or babysitting one of his two charcoal BBQ smokers. He enjoys writing for this site because his columns serve as a source of inspiration through humor. He hopes to continue writing insightful, first-person stories about the adventures of living with sarcoidosis and the continued inspiration he finds each and every day.

Articles by Charlton Harris

Spreading Gratitude Throughout the Seasons

The holidays are upon us, and like so many people, I have a lot to be thankful for. I was recuperating from lengthy hospital stays during the holidays the past two years. This year, however, is different. For the first time in two years, I can…

Small Dietary Changes Can Make a Big Difference

A few months ago, I enrolled in two online courses: a naturopath nutritional course and a master herbalist course. I hoped to gain knowledge about living a more holistic lifestyle. I’ve always believed that adopting a more healthy lifestyle can provide long-lasting benefits for anyone living with chronic…

Sometimes You Have to Compare Risks and Rewards

My daughter celebrated her 20th birthday last week. She kept saying she wanted to take a trip. Initially, the destination was the Dominican Republic. Then she mentioned Miami and a few other places. As it turns out, she booked a trip to Los Angeles … using my “50 and…