Patricia Inácio, PhD,  science writer—

Patricia holds her PhD in cell biology from the University Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, and has served as an author on several research projects and fellowships, as well as major grant applications for European agencies. She also served as a PhD student research assistant in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Columbia University, New York, for which she was awarded a Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD) fellowship.

Articles by Patricia Inácio

Cardiac Sarcoidosis May Be Diagnosed by Analyzing Select Immune Cells in Heart Tissue

Cardiac sarcoidosis might be accurately diagnosed by measuring the ratio of immune cells, specifically macrophages and dendritic cells, in tissue samples from patients, researchers reported. The study, “Myocardial Immunocompetent Cells and Macrophage Phenotypes as Histopathological Surrogates for Diagnosis of Cardiac Sarcoidosis in Japanese,” was published in the Journal…

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Linked to Sarcoidosis, a Statistical Study Shows

The study “Immunological Evidence for the Role of Mycobacteria in Sarcoidosis: A Meta-Analysis,” published recently in PLOS One, links some patients with sarcoidosis to the development of the disease and the presence of mycobacterium tuberculosis, which causes tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the second leading cause of death by infectious disease, preceded only…

High Levels of Certain Inflammatory Markers in Sarcoidosis May Predict Systemic Hypertension in Sarcoidosis

For patients with sarcoidosis, high levels of inflammatory markers may predict systemic hypertension (sHTN), high blood pressure in the systemic arteries that carry blood from the heart to the body’s tissues — but little was known about the relationship, until recently. The study, “The Association between ESR and CRP and Systemic Hypertension…