
Pursuing Self-improvement Despite Sarcoidosis

The past few days have been “blah” for me. I try to remain optimistic despite my sarcoidosis, but sometimes the stuff of life just creeps in. Once things like worry, self-doubt, and skepticism take over, it’s often difficult to see past them. Whenever I find myself feeling this way,…

My Advice to Sarcoidosis Freshmen

When I think of the nearly 20 million students projected to attend college this fall, what comes to mind are the freshmen stepping into uncharted territory. As my niece, Jocelyn, put it, “You go from being at the top of your game senior year of high school to being at the…

Could Vitamin Therapy Help My Immune System?

To be clear, no one ever made the claim that vitamins and supplements would cure me of sarcoidosis. However, they might boost my immune system, and that might help me to better manage the symptoms. From my own research and conversations with physicians, I learned that we should…

Taking a Preventive Approach Can Lead to Better Overall Health

Attending medical appointments is routine when battling active sarcoidosis. But we stand to benefit most if we see our doctors consistently, not just when we’re ill, but also when we’re well. Lifestyle choices such as exercising regularly, eating healthfully, getting adequate sleep, and avoiding smoking or overindulging in alcohol can…

Symptom Management Is a Full-time Job

“What’s your worst symptom?” is a question I’m often asked while discussing sarcoidosis. My response is always the same: “Whatever symptom I have at the moment.” It’s true: Whatever I’m dealing with at the moment is the worst symptom. By the time that particular aspect of my condition has…

Stress and Toxic Emotions Impact My Sarcoidosis

It’s easy to feel grateful when everything is going your way, but when you hit a rough patch, it helps to count your blessings. Stress has a clear impact on health and was the last thing I needed, but life’s problems arrive unexpectedly. Over the past two weeks, I…

Some Relationships Simply Can’t Survive Sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis changes everything in life, including relationships. Since being diagnosed, I find that people in my life fall into several categories. First are those who know about my condition and have a healthy, satisfying relationship with me despite it. They include a precious few who occupy a special space…

Find Your Motivation in Enjoyment

I recently met a newly retired teacher at the laundromat. I was holding a book I had loved for the first 200 pages, but then lost interest in. She gave me the same advice she gave students who complained about boring books: Don’t finish it. Her colleagues always urged the…