
The Early Morning Wake-up Call

A piercing scream woke me from a sound sleep that morning. It echoed from every corner of the house. My brain struggled to identify the source of the squealing before finally realizing it was coming from me. Intense pain was all over my body. Like a bad toothache, it came…

Stumbling into the Unknown

I was thrilled to find out the television network NBC will be airing a sarcoidosis PSA this month to raise awareness about the disease, which so many fail to recognize at the onset of symptoms. I did. Night sweats — which had me waking as drenched as if I…

Life Altered: My Journey to a Sarcoidosis Diagnosis

I was an average woman in my early 30s, married with two young stepsons, working a full-time job in healthcare sales and marketing. My husband and I had recently purchased our first home. We enjoyed spending time with family and friends and led a healthy lifestyle. Then one day, I…

5 Tips for Managing Unpredictable Days with Sarcoidosis

The thing that attracted me to a career as a journalist — the unpredictability — is precisely what I despise most about living with a chronic illness. Over my nearly 17 years battling sarcoidosis, I’ve had good and bad days, and others that have fallen somewhere in between. I…

This Too Shall Pass

Like you, I’m not the only person that has daily issues living with sarcoidosis. As I tell some friends, every day is a new adventure. That adventure may include riding an emotional roller coaster, or feeling so upbeat and motivated that I’ll venture out to the gym for a…

Obstacles Don’t Define Us

I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis not long after my mother passed away in 2003, and it was totally by accident. I was having a conversation with a pulmonologist about participating in a sleep study. During the meeting, he talked about breathing issues and other conditions related to sleep apnea,…