
Acne-Causing Bacteria May Be the Villain in Sarcoidosis

A screening of bacterial species found in the lymph nodes of people with sarcoidosis confirms that bacteria, known to cause acne, likely are involved in the development of the condition. Researchers reported that the bacterium, known as Propionibacterium acnes, was found in patients with sarcoidosis, but not in those with…

Rare Case of Neurosarcoidosis in Patient with Lung Sarcoidosis Treated with Corticosteroids

Symptoms of  neurological impairment linked to lung sarcoidosis, an unusual condition known as neurosarcoidosis,  were treated in a woman using an immunosuppressive therapy based on corticosteroids, researchers reported in a case study. The study, “Dementia, Gait Disturbance, And Urinary Incontinence In A Patient With Pulmonary Sarcoidosis,” published in the journal Respirology…