
Different Genes May Affect Sarcoidosis Onset and Its Progression

Genes that have been linked to the likelihood of developing sarcoidosis may not necessarily be associated with disease course, according to a study conducted in Portugal, which also points to other genes that may help to predict a patient’s outcome. The study, “Associations Between Sarcoidosis Clinical Course And ANXA11 Rs1049550 C/T, BTNL2 Rs2076530 G/A,…

High Calcium Levels, Bone Marrow Sarcoidosis May Be Associated

Elevated levels of calcium in blood and urine can be associated with the development of bone marrow sarcoidosis, according to a report published in the journal Biomarker Research. The study, “Hypercalcemia Associated With Isolated Bone Marrow Sarcoidosis In A Patient With Underlying Monoclonal Gammopathy Of Undetermined Significance: Case…

Cryptococcal Meningitis Often Misdiagnosed in Sarcoidosis Patients, Study Reports

Cryptococcal meningitis, a rare but life-threatening complication of sarcoidosis, is often misdiagnosed as neurosarcoidosis, delaying proper treatment and reducing a patient’s chances of complete recovery, researchers report. Investigators behind the study, “Cryptococcal meningitis complicating sarcoidosis,” published in the journal Medicine, suggest that physicians test for CSF…