
Winter Photography Might Be Just What the Doctor Ordered

I mentioned in a previous column my desire to embrace winter this year. As I’m writing this, it has been unseasonably warm here in the Northeast. Warmer temperatures help tremendously with my sarcoidosis symptoms, and for this, I am grateful. But I know the winter elements are still…

Thanks to Readers, I Am Making My Heart a Priority

When I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis, my physicians drilled into me the importance of annual lung and eye exams. And I have followed through every year without fail. But numerous readers have made me aware of another important area of concern: the heart. February is American Heart Month and…

I’m Altering My Approach to Traveling with Sarcoidosis

I miss traveling. Because of sarcoidosis, sleep difficulties, equilibrium challenges, pain, and constant fatigue must be considered. Other types of travel are no longer feasible, so I mostly stick with driving short distances by car. As I mentioned in a previous column, even visiting family during the holidays…

Sarcoidosis Is a Ticking Time Bomb

I stopped at a tire center this month to have one of the tires on my car checked. The small bubble on the sidewall didn’t seem like a big deal to me, but I was told it was a ticking time bomb that could blow at any moment. That was…

Applying the Rules of Improv to Sarcoidosis Management

Years ago, I took a young family member to acting classes for eight weeks. The class focused on improvisation, also known as improv. During that two-month period, I learned so much about the fine art of acting. Recently, I recognized how this has helped me deal with sarcoidosis. Improv is…

Clearing the Clutter for Better Health

The unpredictability of sarcoidosis can make life chaotic, which has made me a bit of a control freak, as my sister found out when we traveled together last year. After taking in the breathtaking view of Boston Harbor from our hotel window, my burning question was which bed she…

I Want to Embrace Winter, Even with Sarcoidosis

I previously wrote about the challenge of living with sarcoidosis during the four seasons. Each season has its difficulties. Yet I can’t imagine living without the change in weather. I enjoy each season for what it has to offer. We’re well into winter in the Northeast. The cold, wind,…