
Receptor That Recognizes Infections May Trigger Pulmonary Sarcoidosis

Researchers recently linked pulmonary sarcoidosis to a receptor activated during certain infections that may contribute to disease development via the release of an inflammatory factor in immune cells. The study, “Functional Toll-Like Receptor 9 Expression and CXCR3 Ligand Release in Pulmonary Sarcoidosis,” was published in the American Journal…

Researchers Report Case of Sarcoidosis, Pulmonary Hypertension Patient

Sarcoidosis patients may develop pulmonary hypertension that leads to severe heart complications, according to a study published in the journal Case Reports in Cardiology. In the study, “Multifactorial Etiology Pulmonary Hypertension In A Patient With Sarcoidosis,” researchers described a case of pulmonary sarcoidosis, heart failure, and pulmonary hypertension (PH) that…

Sarcoidosis Developed in Patient Being Treated for HIV Infection, Case Report States

Patients receiving treatment for HIV infection may develop sarcoidosis, according to a new study published in the journal Respiratory Medicine Case Reports. In the study, “Pulmonary Tuberculosis Followed By Sarcoidosis In An HIV-Infected Patient: A Case Report And A Simplified Diagnostic Flowchart For Diagnosis And Treatment Of Sarcoidosis,” researchers reported the…

Different Genes May Affect Sarcoidosis Onset and Its Progression

Genes that have been linked to the likelihood of developing sarcoidosis may not necessarily be associated with disease course, according to a study conducted in Portugal, which also points to other genes that may help to predict a patient’s outcome. The study, “Associations Between Sarcoidosis Clinical Course And ANXA11 Rs1049550 C/T, BTNL2 Rs2076530 G/A,…